more about
sexological bodywork

sexological bodywork is a method of client-led and trauma-informed somatic sex education, which can support you in
...deepening your connection to your body.

...exploring and celebrating your erotic potential.
...getting clearer about your needs, boundaries and desires.

...embodying your own version of sexuality and eroticism.

sexological bodywork sessions happen in a contained, mindful environment ~ centred around the your agency and pace. the slow, mindful, communicative qualities of a session allow for things to come up and be held ~ perhaps ones that might stay hidden in other settings.

sessions can be hands-on or hands-off. in hands-on sessions, erotic touch is one-way, from bodyworker to client (or from client to self). either way, we explore and talk about what happens in your body ~ physically, emotionally, erotically, energetically.

my softness, care, spaciousness & presence are present in my work. my work is slow & gentle ~ at your pace, at edge of growth, but inside your window of tolerance, allowing you to learn & expand without overwhelming your system.

together we work on themes and topics that are on your heart/mind/genitals. we could work together throughout more than one session. i find that this is supportive with many themes, as it allows for deeper trust to build.

examples of modalities

  • wheel of consent exercises
  • self-pleasure coaching & witnessing
  • (external & internal) anal massage
  • anal, genital & body mapping
  • pleasure exploration
  • scar tissue massage

what does a session look like?

every session is different, depending on your topics and on what is needed. we work with intimate topics, and there is always time & space to change direction during a session.

before we meet, we have a short conversation over the phone to settle what topics you would like to work with.

the the beginning of our session, we expand the conversation further, tune in and sharpen the topic. after negotiating wishes, needs and boundaries, we decide together what practice will be useful for you.

the bodywork mostly takes place on a massage table, or it can be exercises in the room. since you are the expert of your body, you will be guiding the touch & the pace. i will be asking, communicating and suggesting options of touch, movement and breath.

verbal communication and consent exercises are important elements, and you will have complete control over what happens throughout the session.

at the end of the session, we’ll evaluate the experience and talk about what would be helpful for you to continue working with.

common reasons people come to sexological bodyworkers

  • wishing to learn how to give and accept pleasure, sensuality and touch
  • self-acceptance of one’s own body, gender, sexuality
  • connecting with a shifting sexuality through transition
  • learning to accept and love sexuality
  • boundaries and consent training
  • lack of sexual desire
  • difficulties in becoming aroused
  • inability to orgasm
  • erectile difficulties
  • premature ejaculation
  • pelvic pain
  • pain in sex
  • couples wanting to enhance their sex life
  • regaining sexual function and the ability to feel pleasure after birth or surgery
  • understanding genital/anal anatomy, health and pleasure
  • referred by a therapist, doctor, social worker, massage therapist
some of these issues might need to be approached by additional professionals.

(thank you to sexological bodyworker Ayo Gry for these sections.)

book an intro call
with me.

we can talk about the practice,
your intention and any questions
you might have before we
schedule a session.