research containers

snippet from pen by häly heinecker

together—in a trauma-informed, queer space—we practice agency & consent, make space for curiosity, exploration, desire, play & pleasure and break away from normative patterns that say touch & intimacy should be saved for romantic couple dynamics. we make space for noticing conditioned tendencies & patterns, and for exploring new possibilities.

as a workshop facilitator, i play at the intersection of sexuality, spirituality and identity and am fascinated by containers that allow us to melt into one ecstatic organism—while minding our differences in identity & baggage, delivering us back to our separate selves.

some of my workshops happen before or during electronic music events. the rave was the first portal i encountered to an embodied feeling of interconnectedness. it’s still a part of my life. my work is about combining pieces of the portals i know—sex-positive culture, dance, music & connection with earth—and accessiblizing them for my community. doing that, i hope to cultivate aliveness & connection, in ways that feel sustainable & safe-enough to be able to integrate in participants’ daily life.

i often co-facilitate with my friends at skinship.

🌾 consent workshops

inspired by dr. betty martin’s “wheel of consent”, this hands-on workshop offers a radical inquiry into the nature of giving and receiving, and introduces a practice whose goal is to help us get in touch with and communicate both desires & boundaries.

👐 touch wish circle

you step into the center of a circle. around you, people are asking: what touch would you like us to gift you? who of us do you want to participate? we'll com e together to practice agency and consent, making space for curiosity, desire and pleasure.

🌊 self-pleasure to group-pleasure

we connect with ourselves first in a practice of embodied self-love, supported through breath, voice, movement & touch. we allow ourselves to be inspired by one another. once our fountains are gushing and overflowing with fluids, we can come into touch as a group ~ connecting from a place of fullness.

💦 erotic massage worksop

we share tools for giving & receiving massage based on sexological bodywork methods, and communication tools to create a safe container for consent. consciously shifting awareness from rigidity to fluidity, we arrive in the present moment, exploring pleasure, play, joy and skin-to-skin connection.

🪭 rave intention circles

raves can be beautiful, transformative, community-building practices. they can also be overwhelming and challenging. through clear framing, rave intention circles can help us stay centered while moving through deep unknowns, and help us find out: what do i want to cultivate ~ individually, collectively?
(this is an open recipe. find the zine here.)

🦗 sound & touchscapes

we provide a sonic & haptic experience of your choosing. would you like to be a piece of clay in a ceramic studio sunbathing on a beautiful beach? a fish underwater? a snake in a snakepit? a dining table at the ritz? in a club toilet stall, just before closing?

for more information on when my offerings happen,
 follow my telegram channel.

if you’d like to contact me about giving a workshop,
please use the  contact form.